I'd like some people's opinions on this poster idea. I know that after reading it the most common question is gonna be "What does Mario have to do with anything!?" It'll sort of make sense if you think about the first stereotype: "Playing video games makes you a nerd." When doing this, I started thinking about all of the stereotypes people have said to me throughout my life, and this is the one that I think I have probably heard the most. So I thought to make Mario a symbol for that first stereotype. I think that the imagery will attract people from a distance, and then they will want to read the whole poster. ...And plus, I just really wanted to use this black and white Mario image. Is that a crime!? Anyway, my goal is to stamp out stereotypes, bringing to attention how unfair they are. And everyone's comments will help me reach that goal!
Conceptually: I like your idea, it seems very sincere. I think you should work on your text a little more, and make it flow (I mean, a sentence that comes after one claim should be somehow related with or in response to the previous one). You do that at some parts and it works great, I think you can get it all to work.
Visually: I know how badly you want to use that Mario image, and I think a black and white simplistic approach is a good choice, but I am not sure if Mario works. I don't think it says what you are trying to say. Maybe you can alter your Mario to look different. Also, I know this is just a mock-up, but you will change the allignment of the text and make it work better right?
It kind of feels like you have two ideas that kind of go together, but need a little tweaking before they really fit completely. The parts of Mario that you've really worked on in this image look great from a visual perspective, but as far as propaganda, an image of just Mario alone isn't quite enough if you really wanna hammer the stereotypes home. It needs some sort of play-like he has Asian-looking eyes (seeing as he is Japanese-conceived) or something that will really make it play with perceptions and stereotypes as your text is. I kind of want to suggest putting more than just Mario in the image, but that would overcomplicate it compositionally. I feel like Mario alone doesn't stand for all those stereotypes.
I have to agree with Hale about the text, I think it's going in a good direction but some re-writing will improve it, not to be an English formalist. It's not far off at all as it is, but a little more fluidity from one sentence to the next would help really tie it together.
I really like where this is going and can't wait to se the finished version!
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