Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ch4: Illusion of Space and Motion

In this chapter reading I learned about moving space in work either through the three types of perspective, or more simpler options like overlapping and atmospheric perspective. I learned about the illusion of space and how it is often amplified in works that are more imaginary. I had not previously known about amplified perspective, or the exaggerate use of linear perspective or fractured space where multiple viewpoints are combined in a single image. Or about layered space when the foreground, background, and middle are clearly defined. I related the comments on our ability to percieve motion in animation by connecting multiple small frames to the work of pointillism painters. My favorite example was the painting of degas dancers, even though it is very still you can still get a sense of movement because of posture and position. I felt like this chapter was highly informative in terms of creating space for paintings in drawings but not as much in the digital process. However I am sure these same concepts can apply to my digital work.

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