Wednesday, April 2, 2008

pg. 91-107

-Asymmetrical compositions can be used to balance objects of different sizes and "weights"
-sometimes a degree of imbalance is necessary
-rhythm can be created when multiple units are presented in a deliberate pattern
-Emphasis can be created by anomaly, or a break from the norm, through placement, or through contrast.
-One point perspective: lines converge at a single point on the eye level
-Two point perspective: coverge at two vanishing points on the eye level
-Three point perspective: two vanishing points on eye level and one above or below the eye level
-Layered space can be created by clearly defining the differences between foreground, middle ground, and background
-To create the illusion of space: overlap, linear perspective (1, 2, and 3 point), atmospheric perspective, "camera" angles.
-decisive moment: capturing the most telling moment of emotions, space, and movement.
-using before and after images and multiple movements can create the illusion of movement.

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