Friday, April 11, 2008


well im still kind of unsure about exactly what it is i want to portray in this project, but i have given a good bit of thought to how i want to make it. im planning to draw an image on a wooden panel by using a wood burning pen. pretty much this will burn the lines into the wood which will hopefully translate the idea of decay. all the color i will add will be with acrylic paint [most likely watered down] and finer details will be done with prismacolor markers and ink... come to think of it, the whole burning stuff idea reminds me of Fahrenheit 451, which focused a lot on society giving up its right to knowledge. that could be an interesting take on dk...


Unknown said...

Oh, as for wood burning-they definitely do have a wood burning tool or two in the sculpture wood shop, I saw a student using one just the other day. Talk to Brad about those-he's the man. I really like the idea of using wood for this, as it is a media that takes rather well to being abused and decayed. What I mean is, there is a lot you can do with wood to decay it, not just burning it. For example, I've got a gallon of muriatic acid that you're welcome to use, not to mention that water on its own can do some pretty interesting things to wood.
Alright, I realize I'm a sculpture student and everything, it's just that when I think of wood and decay I think of burning it, sanding it on certain parts (like Allison's MFA show, where she sanded through an entire wall in a gallery as well as straight through a wooden shelf. Maybe I just want to see wood abused. G'luck.

Everton A. said...

don't forget to incorporate a digital aspect to it

Hale said...

yes Everton is right. all of these are good ideas, but where is the digital imaging aspect?