Friday, April 11, 2008

Urban Decay

Emily and I are going to explore the idea of urban decay. Our plan is to photograph different areas of Gainesville that are run down and create an interactive map that will feature these photos. The use of color (or no use of color) will be pertinent since we can either manipulate the photos to create a grimy Gainesville or make them clean and pristine (black and white) to show the beauty of decay. Perhaps we can even manipulate the photos to make them look like art work, just as Sheperd Fairey and Banksy makes graffiti art.

The interactive map will give the percentage of decay in an area of Gainesville and if possible, crime rate and other factor that lends itself to the detioration of a city. The map will be divided into smaller regions. These regions will be clickable and will have photos pop up when clicked. This will be done in flash.

That is what we have planned so far. Suggestions are welcome!

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