Wednesday, April 16, 2008


i brought my piece into class because so far its way easier to see in person rather than within a photo. but basically, as the title hints towards, i am making an image that has two differing focuses. It is on an 11" x 48" board and each side contains a koi fish that is swimming towards the edge. the fish are connected by what i can best describe as abstract squiggly lines [its not as horrible as it sounds]. anyway, i choose koi fish first because i find them and the japanese images they are used in to be pretty cool, and second because symbolically they are often used to depict prosperity [or the pursuit of] and pretty much the pursuit of good things. because of this, the 'beautiful' side of the image will be 'pretty', in order to depict the whole joy and well being aspect, but the 'decay' side will look more worn and damaged [sort of an opposition to the opposite side]. also, i want to physically destroy some of the board on the decay side to emphasize that more. not sure how much color i want to use...
ps: my composition will allow for the image to be shown right side up, upside down, and on either of its sides
pps:i will be taking pictures periodically throughout the entire process in order to show how the piece is being made.

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