Tuesday, April 15, 2008


There's been a lot of logistical difficulties with Christina's and my collaboration. So.
I've been thinking about "decay" in the sense of neglect, the accumulation of mold, dust, and other particles that are constantly created without persistent upkeep. This relates to entropy, a measurement of the randomness of molecules in a system, and the natural tendency toward disorder.

I want to take digital photos of dirt/mold/dust and then crop and frame them to situate them like grand landscapes. I am still deciding on how to physically frame or present the images.

a volcanoscape

a green hill

gray colorfield

photoshopped climber -- I mashed this together with photos from the Internet during our quasiclass on Monday. If done a bit more carefully, could it work? Or would it still be hokey?

feathery lace texture

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