Monday, February 11, 2008


Artist Statement:

This rendition of Desire focuses on the desire to be desired or wanted, especially in a sexual manner. Upon research, I found that the libido, the sexual desire regulator of the body, has strong effects on the body including mentally and physically. The objects I used for my composition show an array of both positive and negative or taboo associations with this desire, the two being divided by the gold chain which essentially a midpoint because it is neither of the two. People utilize these objects to either attain or fulfill their desire to be wanted. The left, with the cologne and tie, are essentially the more positive tools for people (men in articular) to use to be desired-dressing nice and smelling good. The other side, having the condoms and alcohol are not as good of tools because they can lead to faulty things in life if they are abused or used incorrectly. The hand indicates the human attempt to attains these desires by abstaining the tools. There is an natural inclination to the more evil side. The hand is blue because it hasn't been currupted by the desire yet. It is essentially neutral to these things or "cold" because it hasn't attained any of the things or desired yet.

1 comment:

Jason K. said...

I think I preferred the first version better. I still like the colors, but I think that the blue hand is really distracting and takes away from the rest of the piece. Otherwise I think it is a strong image.
