Thursday, February 21, 2008

William Kentridge

Types of Media
• Visual and Film
– Charcoal Drawings, animation
– Music in films
– Printmaking
• Handspring Puppet Company
– Theatre Productions
– Set Design
– Directing
• Installations and collaborations

Meaning and Purpose
• Emotions and memory
• History and geography
• Personal narratives of daily existence
• Desire, ethics, and responsibility

Tools and Materials
• Modern and old-fashioned
• Simple and figural drawings
• Single main character
• Monochromatic, with hints of color
• Temporal

Selected Works
• Johannesburg: 2nd Greatest City After Paris, 1989
• Sobriety, Obesity & Growing Old, 1991
• Felix in Exile, 1994
• History of the Main Complaint, 1996
• Weighing and Wanting, 1998
• Medicine Chest, 2001
• Black Box/Chambre Noire, 2005
• Journey to the Moon, 2005

Certain Doubts Trailer

Felix in Exile :
• Charcoal drawings, filmed in stop motion photography
• Felix in a closed room, with the suitcase of drawings
• Nandi, the surveyor, in South Africa
• Bodies: red-orange
• Water: blue

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