Monday, February 11, 2008

Desire For Perfection

Artist Statement

Our face like the bark of a tree tells so much about who we are and our character. No two people have the same smile, the same glisten in their eyes, or the same hue in their cheeks. Like trade marks our expressions and attributes, even our flaws make us each who we are and write the history of our lives. Each wrinkle shares a memory, every scar a past; but flipping through magazines and watching countless makeover shows one comes to believe that there is such a thing as a perfect face with perfect lips, perfect check bones and a perfect jaw. With every slice a piece of who we were and the depth and history our face holds is seemingly stripped away. This piece addresses this ever growing obsession and drive for perfection.

1 comment:

Jason K. said...

I really LOVE this image I think that it could be stronger if you made the mirror look broken instead of blurred out. Otherwise, awesome image!
