Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I think that nature is unstoppable and uncontrollable. No matter what we do to prevent natural event, we, ourselves, become the victim of it. “We have cut too many trees; we have made the pollution too bad; we are using up the fuel” and many many sayings. It seems like every thing that is not happen “naturally” is because human’s fault. What we have done in the past was really for the best for ourselves. When we are talking about protecting the nature, we are really talking about protecting ourselves because we are born to be selfish, all animals are. The problem is that we can’t to both. If we want to live better, we have to harm the nature, such as cutting more trees and expand more land to make houses even if we have to force wild animals leave. I don’t think there’s any thing wrong with it. This only shows that we are the stronger one in the nature. I am sure some people don’t think so. Ok, let’s put you in this situation: in a forest, a tiger with her two cubs are looking for food because they have not eaten for a month. Now, the tiger mom sees you (because you just happen to be at the wrong place and the wrong time) and ready to do any thing to take you down and make you to be the dinner for her two cute cubs. Would you be willing to die for the two cubs? I am sure you will say “no.” (or depends on how cute the cubs are, for some girls) So, in the reality, we are doing the same thing as what the tiger is doing, looking for a way to survive. And when we find the way to survive, we try to make the way easier for ourselves to survive. And this is nature: the strong one will live. And this is the deal between nature and I.

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