Monday, February 11, 2008

Desire Project

Studies have shown that it is our natural desire to be in and around nature. In office design, many windows are incorporated into the architecture so that employees can have a view of the outdoors. In return, employees often have a more positive and productive work experience. Many fabrics imitate patterns found in the natural environment while many building use natural materials such as stone and wood. Though out affinity to nature is strong, our desire for material goods seems to be stronger. Buildings, especially homes, are usually larger than needed, stressing the amount of natural resources we have left. The digital image created shows how we attempt to immerse ourselves in nature but simultaneously destroy it. The newspaper in the background shows our effort to maintain nature but the wood flooring manifests how we employ natural materials to satisfy our aesthetic tastes. The hammer and nails manifests how we destroy our environment while the key shows our greed and desire for possessions and ownership.

1 comment:

Jason K. said...

I really like this image but I think it would help if the key was silver. I think this is distracting and draws too much attention to the key.
