Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Still Very SICK.

When it rains, it pours! Basically on Friday I rented out a nice digital SLR from the cage and ended up taking about 200 photos of the forest, and I did one shot of my friends in HDR to test it out. Well I had to work saturday and I was planning on taking the HDR nature shots on Sunday. Basically I ended up getting the flu while I was at work, and to top it off my Wisdom tooth began to REALLY kill me. I ended up going to shands to get checked out, and i had the flu, and they gave me some painkillers for my tooth. I have an appointment to get it extracted next wednesday. As for the flu, its wednesday and I still feel terrible, I'm just hoping that I'll be fine by this weekend. Anyways, here are two nature shots, as well as my 2 friends in HDR.

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