Monday, March 31, 2008

in the name of [stuff]

my design is intended to utilize the appeal of many of the posters and advertisements that depict members of the armed as brave, strong, and powerful. while i do not intend to deny these attributes of the soldiers themselves, i do want my poster to hint towards criticism of the practice of war. i find it ironic that recruiting commercials and pro war images are so up beat yet warfare is anything but. However, seeing as how i am by no means too well informed about politics or current issues in the Iraq war, i also want the poster to be arguably, a poster that is pro war. It is for this reason that the words in the background include both those that are obviously against and also some that are encouraging of war. Thus, as is the quality of many of the pieces of art i am attracted to, i intend for my poster to first draw in the viewer with its attractive imagery, translate the message i want it to get across [that war is still a current problem], and in the end inspire some independent thought (no matter how in depth or shallow)

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