Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Diversi-WHAT-cles of Narnia

Oh no, we're distinguishing between what humans do and what humans don't do again.
For the fun of it, I'm going to view this discussion not as a person but as a removed spectator viewing the history of life on Earth thus far. There is no good and there is no bad.

Humans have, in very recent time, caused global changes and affected ecosystems in irreversible ways and are continuing to do so. They have changed the face of the planet in more ways than any one species has before (which is very much debatable). Though humans are killing off more species than they are creating, they are a part of the trend of evolution and natural selection. By using anti-bacterial soap, they contribute to the countless deaths of organisms that shape the genes of later organisms on the planet.

As for the future, it is hard to be sure as to what is going to happen. In extremely recent times they are becoming aware of their effects on their surroundings and some are opposed to continuing the selective processes they have made a normal part of their civilizations. To further complicate things, they are now developing their choice-making abilities through genetic engineering. Possibly very soon they will be able to create their own species and specific forms of life with relative ease.

One funny thing is that humans perceive themselves to be more important than they truly are. The technology they develop has already grown greater than their own existences. Their population increase is far surpassed by their increase in weaponry technology. They seem to think that just because they have been around for a short while and that is all they have known, that they will persist as a species for a long time. This assumption is based on nothing but blind hope.

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