Friday, March 28, 2008

Colorful World

There are so many people have injured and killed by people who are racists. When I say racist, that doesn’t mean just white people or black people or other color people hate another people. I mean people just don’t like the others because they look differently. Maybe you are white are a white person but you are too dark, so the environment forces you to have friends only with dark skin people or make no friends at all. Or, you are just too fat, and just because of that, it makes you look stupid. Of course, you are not. You are not stupid and you are a cool person to be friend with. My point is when you tract people differently because they look the way less desirable for you, then you are a racist, and terrible things will happen. You suddenly became a terrorist because you are racist.
The colors in the eyeball signify that we are all different. No matter where you go, you will see different people. The reason why I used the eye is because what we see makes us different. If you close you eyes, every thing were black, would that affect you to make decisions significantly? The sphere of the eyeball also signifies the world. I am not just talking about the U.S. here. I am talking about every single corner of the world. The blood means the death of those innocent people who were killed by the cause of racism. The white background signifies those people who are not racist and those innocent people who have not been killed yet.


mykl g said...

i dont think your image is translating the message you want it to. were it not for the text i dont think i would have ever made the connection between racism and terrorism. Also, racism only deals with peoples race (or perceived race) and does not technically have anything to do with their weight or other such physical characteristics so that does not quite make a good explanation for your poster.

visually, from a distance the man in the center and the middle of the eye will almost certainly be seen as the same thing... maybe make them different colors?... and as far as the blood, i dont know how to describe it other than cheesy. Although the rest of the image isnt quite realistic either, the major simplicity of the blood seems to make light of your serious subject.

Also, the phrase 'rasist makes terrorist' should probably be 'racism creates terrorism'... but even that doesnt seem to fit the image in my opinion.....

and finally, as a general rule of thumb, dont use filters as the primary source of image adjustment. i use a couple of filters every now and then but i think a lot of people would agree in that some are much more noticeable than others and the effect on the eye and unrealistic shadow of the words are definitely noticeable

Hale said...

I think you should work on your text, it doesn't go with the rest of your image. Also, remove the shadow, not necessary!