Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Errol Morris

It's a good think I'm not late on this.

So-Errol Morris is a documentary filmmaker. He has made 8 documentaries, starting with Gates of Heaven in 1978. This film is about the pet cemetery business. Roger Ebert has it on his list of the top ten films of all time.

I focused on Morris's film The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara in which he interviews Robert McNamara, the US Secretary of Defense during Vietnam. McNamara is an incredibly controversial figure in recent American history and in this film, he does all of the talking. He recalls much of his life, focusing on the things he learned while in office including the Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam. Morris presents all of this in a somewhat non-biased way and lets the viewer judge the actions of McNamara uninfluenced.

Oh, and here's his site.

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