Monday, March 31, 2008

Diversify Your Tongue =P

On society, we have come to shun the use of certain words, deeming them obscene and vulgar. I've been asking myself why should my language be restricted because someone says a word is to offensive too be used. Its honestly just a word. I know we already went through Supreme Court cases on censorship and profane language but I feel that cutting out profane language is unnecessary. People hear it everyday from friends, parents, peers, or just walking down the street. Thats just life and its an exposure of culture so why try and restrict on media and try and not use the words? Its ridiculous to me. Most people already know what gets beeped out on television and what gets blanked out or modified for the radio, so whats the point? There is no innocence in not using a word.
In this piece, I used child-like aesthetics to downplay the connotations of the words including the colors use and the overall compositional set up. This reflects how I think about these words as they come out of a thought bubble. The color scheme reflected throughout the composition adds to the harmony of the work. It ties it together. It color represents a different degree of profanity, with pink being the most, then yellow and turquoise. They are reflected in me to show my support and also the inner to outer relationship with the words in me.

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