Monday, March 3, 2008

Reflection on Nature

In this composition, I've expressed the human nature cycle relationship. Even though we die physically on earth and in the flesh, our spirit ad influence essentially live forever through nature. Most people die in common ways and end up being buried or decomposing in some some way which in-turn can create formidable fertilization and food for plants and animals leading to a continual creation of new life or attributing to preset life which leads to the continuation of new life.
The skull is representation of death of the flesh, the physicality of a death. My face being reflected in the pool of water signifies my "born-again" life-place in nature. The vibrance of the plant, creating an emphasis on it, expresses that my lost life is con tributing to a new, vibrant life in the greater circle of things. There's a sense of division between life and death created by the draker part of the compostion compared to the lighter. The darker essentially siginifies the death side while the more lively, brighter side references the "new life" notion. No matter what, we will forever be apart of nature as a contributer.
This project was resolved after a fair amount of experimentation. I feel as though my concept and image are a cohesive pair that reflect each other: Human death turns essentially to Nature life.

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