Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Project 3 Feedback

I won't be in town for the interim critique, so I'm posting my idea here so that you guys can give me some feedback.

I made a rhizome chart/concept map for taboo and one of the branches was related to eating. One of these branches led to fancy table settings: a possibly intimidating number of utensils and glasses, the "taboo" of not using the "right" one. The particular utensil formation speaks not only to levels of class, but also geographic differences. (A "traditional" continental European table would not be set the same way as a "traditional" Japanese table.) Plus, there's a certain sense of being "in the know," which makes one group separate from another, more diverse but also more exclusive.

Anyway, my poster would be a "public service announcement" identifying all of the utensils, to make it not seem as exclusive or intimidating. While this poster topic isn't some grand cause, I thought it would at least be amusing!

Here's the first draft. I'm not set on any of the typefaces or colors yet. I plan to have bits of information about all of the forks, if not all of the items, next to their labels.

I'm also considering adding bubbles around the text (with outlines/arrows?) to make it more readable. I also might change the quality of the image, to be more "drawn" looking.

Any comments/suggestions?


Brian Shepard said...

The first one's definitely stronger, I think. The red bar at the top adds a lot to the composition-- it gives a nice sense of "border" to balance everything out, and the title helps explain your concept. It's a little confusing on the bottom one where you just have some utensils and labels. Keep it up!

Brian Shepard said...

Oh, wait... the second picture is just a close-up of the first one... I thought they were two separate drafts. Well, then, I like the idea of adding white borders around the utensil captions. Makes it more readable!