Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Of the two readings I found Eduardo Kac's work the more intriguing of the two. Although I find myself struggling to find his proclaimed new art form and actual work of art it was interesting to learn about his thought process. I understand his fascination with complexity and depth of "living beings". It seems that no matter how many discoveries we make there is still another layer or untouched mystery of life left to explore. At the same time I am not so sure I agree that genetic manipulation is an art form. Although I see that there is obviously some level of creativity behind manipulating genetics there is also a strange and even uncomfortable Frankenstein feeling behind it. Kac mentions the bible and that their is no mention against or for genetic engineering but I am not sure that makes it art or acceptable. When it comes to creating new species using genetics rather than breeding there is always a controversy and uncertainty surrounding it. Maybe what was mentioned in the first reading about humans creating new species to help expand upon dwindling numbers of species, but at the same time there is still a lingering uncertainty and questioning on my part.

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