Saturday, March 1, 2008


mykl g said...

it may help to make the transitions from black and white to color not be so sudden. perhaps fade very subtly. good idea overall

Hale said...

i don't know stephanie, eye is an image that is used a lot, and i would think twice before using it. i think it takes away from your wonderful images. i would try to find another way to reflect your concept.

Christina / tide & bloom said...

i agree with hale. when i see it, i lose that beauty that we saw with just the original images. even though that kind of supports your concept, i dont think that this is the best way to go because an eye is too literal/direct of a symbol of "perception". i'm not really sure where to take it now though...

Unknown said...

I don't mean to be harsh, but I kind of agree with Hale a little on the eye issue. It is a simpler answer to the "perception" question. I mean, I like how you have different eyes, which serve to make the idea more universal, but I feel like there at least needs to be more than just eyes at least. I think human anatomy is a perfectly good way of conveying this idea, I just wouldn't suggest sticking with eyes alone. On that thought, I'd also avoid "the 5 senses" as far as human anatomy because that's also a simple answer.
Compositionally, too, it seems like it would become too patterned/consistent compositionally and have no focal points.
There is a real strength in the original photos you took, their visuals convey the idea pretty well and I think should be the main focus in your image, unless you think of something else that's quite as impressive.
If you do continue with human parts, I do like the black and white touch, for sure, though.

Stephanie Miller said...

i agree with everyone actually. im going to display just the original images as if they were in a film strip, thanks for the honesty guys.