Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interdisciplinary Arts-Text and Type

To begin with, I did not know that installation and preformance art had their own "hybrid art form" called interdisciplinary arts. In terms of the visual books, I understood what they were and have seen them in museams as well. However I did not realize that differet page lengths and book sizes conveyed different meanings. In our day and age I feel it is common knowledge that different fonts and sizes convey different meanings. I did not realize that book making and letter press styles was such a huge genre of art. I also did not know the amount of time and questions that needed to be addressed before inserting text, for example "How resonant are the words, how long is it, where is it positioned on the page?" (353). I knew what installation art was but I never knew the proper way to describe it to my peers and parents. The fact that you actually occupy space and time does heighten your experience as you become part of the work. I understand the advantages of installation such as the large scale and ablity to transform space but I did not find any disadvantages in the chapter. I also did not know anything really about preformance art, I found the 3 futuristic qualitites helpful. Blurred Boundaries, the artist and the audience, collaborative and ephemral were all catagories I had never learned about before. I disagreed with the advantages of preformace art because I do not feel that it creates a strong connection usually between the audience and the preformer because most of the time I feel the audience is still left in the dark.

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