Monday, March 31, 2008

Project #3

The cultural taboo I decided to investigate was the view held about abortion. Because of the diverse situations and opinions held about abortion, this topic seems to be avoided in everyday conversation for fear of the debate what will almost certainly ensue. My piece is supposed to generate thought about abortion, but more specifically generate thought about the differences between abortion and adoption. Some people see abortion and adoption as interchangeable solutions which accomplish the same end goals. While you can free yourself of premature parenting duties, extra financial burdens, and resume your pre pregnancy life through both choices, the long-term results aren't that simple. Adoption ends with giving life, while abortion ends with death. Through adoption, you will have plenty of time to plan you and your baby's futures, however abortion is final, a decision that cannot be reversed.

While my piece is about evoking personal thought and debate over whether abortion or adoption is the right road to venture down, I make known my own personal beliefs. The aborted baby is in color compared to the other black and white images. This is to represent just how different that the choices are, and to depict abortion as it really is. Abortion isn't some simple medical procedure, its a life changing decision, one that if pursued, takes life away from someone else. Not only is the baby's life taken, but also the hopes of the 2 million couples who are waiting to adopt children.

The home setting and the picture frame represents the homes that are waiting to care for, love, and support unwanted children. Also, the aborted baby photo within and compared to the other pictures in the frame evoke a feeling that something is out of place or unbalanced. In a normal home setting, this picture would most likely be replaced with one similar to the ones surrounding it, one that speaks of life and the joys of birth and parenting, further adding to my support of adoption instead of abortion.

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