Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interdisciplinary Arts

Under Interdisciplinary Arts lies an umbrella of concepts and ideas when it comes to making art. I find the most interesting part of these ideas is the artists and viewer relationship lines and barriers that are crossed and skewed. The conceptualization behind this can make really dynamic art. A piece that can question who is the viewer and is the artist is quite appealing. When some can control their interpretation by essentially editing which parts of the art they see and how it is perceived in their own eyes or those around, questions of who is the artists is really challenged being that the notion of being an artist lies truly in the concept of the work, especially in the contemporary world. Installations and Performance works that become heavily dependent and interactive on the viewers participation is skewing the line of what is art because the viewer is essentially making it. It may be the artists intent for this to occur, as intent is a major factor in contemporary art as well, but there still lies a question in originality and truth in the work. Contemporary art is frustrating beast that can't be tamed. I think in many cases it should be.

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