Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Interdisciplinary Arts

I was expecting to learn more about performance art because I'm so unfamiliar with it and I feel like I need to know more. I never really thought of performance art as a breakdown of "high art" from galleries and museums because a lot of performances do happen within this context and are only appreciated by the pompous art connoisseurs. But she does make sense, that performance art can reach a broader audience and have a stronger impact. Her breakdown on the things to consider when doing performance art is somewhat helpful. I've never really considered the ephemeral quality that is so inherent and necessary for a performance piece, but now I obviously will.

I think she illustrated the different effects of type was somewhat useful too, to consider size, shape, placement, and repetition not only in a visual sense but also in an aural sense. I think that recognizing that words have sounds and rhythm is extremely important.

Other than that, I wish she had gone more in depth into visual books and installations, like how she did with visual elements earlier on in the chapter. Also, I think a lot of this stuff is hard to learn from a book, it's more important to actually go through the process and experience these problems yourself.

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