Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kac and Diversity

Interesting readings. The Diversity paper reinforced and reviewed ideas about diversity. It was interesting how we can thrive when there is diversity in plants and animals but simultaneously, we tend to hinder diversity with our destructive ways (such as depleting the earth of its natural resources). The paper also states how we design life forms to serve our interests, much like the corn article. Again, diversity is hindered and though we are trying to help our life, we are in fact destroying it.
The article on the artist, Eduardo Kac was very unsettling. I liked his process and concept, but at the same time, what he was doing did not seem right. There actually is a video on scientist who made cloned cats glow Although I disagree with this type of scientific research, I am extremely upset over Kac's work with the bunny because he just did it for art.

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