Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This artist is Ed Mcguiness. He is a current comic artist that is known for his art in the Batman/Superman series first released in the early 2000's. Mcguiness unique style has got him doing books for both DC comics as wellas Marvel.
This Artist is Shephard Fairey. Fairey is known for his obey giant stencil that set the pace for the rest of his career. Fairey does many street posters and stickers but also does work for galleries. Recently he statred his own design firm while selling his obey clothing and prints.

This artist is Art Chantry. Chantry was most popular during the 90's because his style of design reflected the grudge feel of the time. Many say his imagery influenced the skater culture. Of that time, Chantry undoubtely lead graphic design from an innovative stand point. Chantry has done many album covers for many groups including Nirvana.

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