Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Suggestions? ...Again?

OK! So, I thought about the suggestions I got and decided to try out a new format for my stereotypes poster. I tied in the images and text a little better, I think. So, is the bottom format better, or was the old one more effective? Of course, the new one's not done yet. But I wanna know if I should bother continuing with it. Personally, I prefer the new one... it seems less straightforward, I didn't just list a bunch of stereotypes. Anyway, what does everyone think?


Jeremiah B said...

i like the new format, but im not crazy about the statements at the top and bottom. If you could make it more of a title that seemed innocent or just talking about the characters, you would surprise your audience better.

Unknown said...

I agree with Jeremiah, the lines at the top and bottom seem too straightforward. I actually like the line "A stereotype for every occasion."

Good job on summarizing the stereotypes, by the way. The fewer words, the better-they will also let the images speak for themselves a little more. Actually, you may be able to summarize the Italians one to something like "Italians are violent mafia members." I know I'm that guy that keeps bringing the text simplification up, I think it will make your message more direct and powerful.

One other thing: the overall layout of the new version is good, but could anything be done about the white boxes around the characters?

Hale said...

I think you oversimplified things. I liked your older text better. I think the characters should be altered to fit the stereotypes, and not be in boxes in a grid.

Unknown said...

Well how's that for contradiction. Hey, do what you think is more effective. G'luck.

Adriana said...

I agree with Paul I like the statement you used on the first one "A stereotype for very occasion". I also like the how you modified the character in the first piece and I think you should do that in the new one. I also liked how the text wrapped around thw figure in the first poster.

The second poster is a great start. I think you should mesh aspets of the first and second posters together. I also agree with Jeremiah about the top and bottom quotes being too straight forward.

It's a good start and I like the characters you have.